Friday, October 26, 2012

Frozen, Crunchy Goodness

When my kids woke up this morning they were very excited to see a little sprinkle of snow on the grass. Everyone went looking for boots. Of course being the Mom I had to ruin all of the fun by reminding them that it is a school day and we need to get ready to take Xander to kindergarten. After driving to the school, back home to retrieve the forgotten backpack, and back to school again, I decided to let them go play in the backyard. I do not like the cold but being a parent means sacrificing your own comfort sometimes. (Isabelle just wet on the back of my pants as I wrote this to remind me that this is true.) Grant was napping peacefully so we needed to move fast. Isabelle couldn't remember snow. I imagined them running out there picking up the little bits of snow and trying to make a snowman, which probably would not be possible with what was out there. Brevan ran right out and started feeding the bunny and chicken frozen grapes. 
 Both Isabelle and Brevan ignored the snow completely and started crunching down on the frozen grapes. The vines were up higher this year because the bunny had eaten them back before he was confined to his cage for unruly behavior. We have some hideous cement blocks that we can't seem to get rid of. We even tried hitting them with a sledge hammer. They are here to stay. We are deeding them to the next people who buy our house. Isabelle thought climbing up on top of one would be the best way to reach the grapes. I didn't think this was such a great idea because the fence is old with nails and slivers poking out all over the place.
 It wasn't hard to get them back in the house. I just gave them both a handful of grapes and they came happily in.  Isabelle is still ignorant to the joys of snow.  I am happy. I don't even have to clean up a wet mess. All I have to clean up is two happy, stained, purple faces.

Monday, June 18, 2012


My kids are a little obsessed with letters. By a little I mean a lot. Isabelle could sing the ABC's when she was   just 19 months because Xander and Brevan were always singing it. When Brevan was that age he would sit in the cart at the store and sing, "Apple, apple, a a a."    I really don't know where they get it.  The other day Xander decided they needed to make the alphabet with their bodies. 
 "A" was pretty easy because it was first. Isabelle was laughing too much to go straight. They were all very happy with themselves.
 "B" gave us some trouble as you can see. Brevan couldn't seem to keep his top leg in place and Isabelle thought Xander was trying to tickle her. C and D were fine. Nothing too exciting.
"E" is where we lost any cooperation from Belle. Oh! And look. We had a baby since our last post and it is a good thing. If we hadn't we never could have managed E.  Grant was very helpful. He stays where he is placed and doesn't complain. That makes Xander very happy since he is the self appointed boss.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Potty Train

Brevan has not been a fun kid to potty train. We decided he needed a bribe. He saw this bouncy Thomas and he really wanted it. It was $20 so we thought that was reasonable. We told him that he could have it as soon as he was potty trained. As soon a we thought he was at a good place we looked online and the thing had gone up to $39! We couldn't back out and so we bought it.
It came in the mail and oh my. I don't know why it is called a bouncy Thomas. It is nothing more than a blow up toy. It only bounces if the kid can hold on to it and jump at the same time. Lame. It was seriously worth $2. Maybe. Brevan "bounced" on it for while.
Isabelle was much more impressed. She spent more time on it than Brevan did.
Everyone had a lot more fun with the box that it came in. Three days later the thing was popped beyond repair. I made sure I went and wrote a nasty review on Amazon. Tom threw the thing away when no one was looking. I don't think anyone cared much. Next time I am going to think harder before I bribe anyone!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


"Said Miss Clevel it seems to me, he needs an outlet for his energy. A chest of tools might be attractive, for a little boy who is very active."
-Ludwig Bemelmans

My kids are always in need of a way to get out their energy. They all have different ways that I find work the best for them.

I haven't found Isabelle's yet. When she is upset or doesn't want to cooperate she throws a tantrum and falls on the floor. She doesn't care how hard the floor is or what is going on around her. In this picture she is at the airport protesting the unfairness of not being able to run where she wants. I need a trick to dealing with her but so far I am losing. She was so mellow until she learned to walk a few months ago that this all came as a surprise.
When Xander and Brevan are cooped up for too long things are not pretty. Recently they got some chalk from their Oma for memorizing the first two Articles of Faith. It was really too cold outside for this, but after 15 minutes they were tired and cold and happy.

When Xander starts to get grumpy he needs to work. If he is given some odd job to do he works hard and has a great time. This is him sanding the walls in the new room. He did such a great job there wasn't any putty left in some places and it had to be redone. It started out as a punishment but he thought it was the best thing since Riding the Front Runner to Ogden.
One day everyone was fighting so I gave them all clorox wipes and had them scrub things. I thought they would be upset but they thought it was fun. It did stop the fighting though and I guess that was the point. They were all happy and playing together afterwards. Isabelle even helped. Another time I had them scrub parts of the floor. I think I might have discovered something wonderful. Less work for me and happy kids!

Friday, February 3, 2012

I scream, you scream!

Ice cream is one of those things that I have a love/hate relationship with. I love to eat it, and I hate to clean it off of kids. My kids all go through a head-napkin stage where they think that their head is a napkin. They get their hands as messy as possible and smear it all over in their hair. Sometimes I think it is done deliberately to try and get a bath. The worst is noodles, especially in red sauce, followed by ice cream. Luckily the boys are out of the hair-napkin stage and Isabelle only does it occasionally now. That doesn't mean that they always find their mouth though.

I understand that eating ice cream can make a mess around a person's mouth, but on their forehead? Xander is very talented.
When you want a cone and don't believe in actually eating the cone it takes a lot of skill to get every last bit of ice cream out with your tongue. Brevan has mastered it. There is no way to have a clean face if this is your method.
With babies we usually give them an empty cone and avoid the mess all together. It usually takes them quit some time to realize that they are being completely ripped off. This is the day Isabelle made that discovery and so we reluctantly gave her some ice cream. Some messes are worth a smile like that.