Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Potty Train

Brevan has not been a fun kid to potty train. We decided he needed a bribe. He saw this bouncy Thomas and he really wanted it. It was $20 so we thought that was reasonable. We told him that he could have it as soon as he was potty trained. As soon a we thought he was at a good place we looked online and the thing had gone up to $39! We couldn't back out and so we bought it.
It came in the mail and oh my. I don't know why it is called a bouncy Thomas. It is nothing more than a blow up toy. It only bounces if the kid can hold on to it and jump at the same time. Lame. It was seriously worth $2. Maybe. Brevan "bounced" on it for while.
Isabelle was much more impressed. She spent more time on it than Brevan did.
Everyone had a lot more fun with the box that it came in. Three days later the thing was popped beyond repair. I made sure I went and wrote a nasty review on Amazon. Tom threw the thing away when no one was looking. I don't think anyone cared much. Next time I am going to think harder before I bribe anyone!

1 comment:

  1. Poor potty train...but yay for Brevan!

    I agree, big boxes are the funnest. I still play in them.
