Friday, February 3, 2012

I scream, you scream!

Ice cream is one of those things that I have a love/hate relationship with. I love to eat it, and I hate to clean it off of kids. My kids all go through a head-napkin stage where they think that their head is a napkin. They get their hands as messy as possible and smear it all over in their hair. Sometimes I think it is done deliberately to try and get a bath. The worst is noodles, especially in red sauce, followed by ice cream. Luckily the boys are out of the hair-napkin stage and Isabelle only does it occasionally now. That doesn't mean that they always find their mouth though.

I understand that eating ice cream can make a mess around a person's mouth, but on their forehead? Xander is very talented.
When you want a cone and don't believe in actually eating the cone it takes a lot of skill to get every last bit of ice cream out with your tongue. Brevan has mastered it. There is no way to have a clean face if this is your method.
With babies we usually give them an empty cone and avoid the mess all together. It usually takes them quit some time to realize that they are being completely ripped off. This is the day Isabelle made that discovery and so we reluctantly gave her some ice cream. Some messes are worth a smile like that.


  1. It makes for some great pictures. Some you can use as blackmail fodder for when they are teenagers! Thanks for posting the great pictures. I love them. You have great material to work with!
